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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use constant
Version => '1.02';
my $help =
= mkpic - interface for making pictures with mfpic
= Synopsis
mkpic [options] [picfile]
-c,--clean remove all but the input file and die
-p,--pdfsample create pdf file with sample images
-f,--font=<font command> set default font for labels
--[no]box produce framed boxes
-V,--version report version number and die
-h,--help display help info and die
--[no]debug display debugging information
-l,--log=<logfile> file for warning messages
Without an input file, the DATA section is used.
= Command overview
begin name xl yl xmin ymin xmax ymax xlabel ylabel
# comment
arccst xcenter ycenter xstart ystart theta
arcset xstart ystart xend yend theta
arccrtt xcenter ycenter radius theta1 theta2
arc3 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
xmark [label1] x1 [label2] x2 ...
Xmark [label1] x1 [label2] x2 ...
ymark [label1] y1 [label2] y2 ...
Ymark [label1] y1 [label2] y2 ...
xdrop x y
ydrop x y
xydrop x y
arrow x1 y1 x2 y2 label
label YX x y label
xlabels YX x y dx label ...
ylabels YX x y dy label ...
point x1 y1 x2 y2 ...
dpoint x1 y1 dx1 dy1 ...
lines x1 y1 x2 y2 ...
dlines x1 y1 dx1 dy1 ...
curve x1 y1 x2 y2 ...
dcurve x1 y1 dx1 dy1 ...
rect x1 y1 x2 y2
drect x y dx dy
dcrect x y dx dy
crect x1 y1 x2 y2
arect xc yc width height theta
bar x xdev height
func xmin xmax step expression-in-x
grid dx dy xgap ygap
= Description
mkpic provides an easy interface for making small pictures with mfpic. To
this end you create an input file has to be created consisting of
commands, one per line, with space separated parameters (or you modify the
DATA section of the mkpic script, which is used if you run it without an
input file). For an extensive description see the file mkpicdoc.pdf, which
is part of the distribution.
mkpic produces two files. Assuming an input file named |picfile| defaulting
to |mkpic| these are:
a macro file which will contain |TeX| commands for every picture
a style file for latex, defining the same |TeX| commands for every picture.
With the |--pdfsample| option, two other files are produced:
a PDF file containing all pictures.
This lets you easily check the results of your designs.
the |TeX| source used for creating this PDF file.
In |LaTeX|, you have to include |\usepackage{picfile}| and to include
commands like |\Fig|/name/ in your source, where /name/ is the
name you gave one of your pictures in an mkpic |begin| command.
In TeX and ConTeXt, you have to |\input picfile.mac| and to
include commands like |\Fig|/name/ in your source, where /name/ is
the name you gave one of your pictures in an mkpic |begin| command.
In TeX, you must use the |\bye| command (/not/ |\end| to finish your TeX source
See the RUNNING section for how to run mkpic and TeX, LaTeX, or ConTeXt.
= Commands
The source is set up so that it is easy to add your own commands,
Currently the following commands have been implemented (the arguments
are not listed here; for those, refer to the SYNOPSIS section):
begin, end
Every picture begins with the |begin| command and ends with the |end|
command. The |begin| command defines a name for the picture and
defines a tex command with that name, prefixed with 'Fig'. The
resulting command is written to a |.mac| file. Thus the command
begin aa ...
starts writing |\def\Figaa{...| to the |.mac| file, and the
picture can be reproduced in a |TeX| document by importing the |.mac| file
and using the |\Figaa| command.
xl and yl are the lengths of the x- and y-axes. xlabel and ylabel are
the label that are placed at the ends of those axes. Use a space to
suppress labeling, or "-" to suppress drawing the axes at all.
stops further reading of the input. Useful if you have many pictures,
but want to see only the first few for testing purposes.
sets the variable var to value. This variable, or an expression containing it,
can be used instead of any numerical parameter. Variable names may contain
lower and uppercase letters, digits or underscores, with the restriction that
they must start with a letter and may not end in an underscore.
denotes a comment
xmark, ymark, Xmark, Ymark
These commands place one or more labels along the x- or y-axes, either
below (|xmark| and |ymark|) or above (|Xmark| and |Ymark|) the axis.
For the |[xXyY]mark| commands a parameter containing any character
other than [-.0-9] is interpreted as the label (this implies that you
cannot use expressions here!) to be placed and its position is expected
in the next parameter. If a parameter is just a number, it is placed at
that x-position. If you want a number to be interpreted as a label, put
it in braces: |{1950}|.
(Mnemonic: |c|enter |s|tart |t|heta.)
Draws an arc with its center in |xcenter,ycenter|, starting in |xstart,ystart|
and with an arc length of |theta| degrees.
(Mnemonic: |s|tart |e|nd |t|heta.)
Draws an arc starting in |xstart,ystart|end ending in |xend,yend|
and with an arc length of |theta| degrees.
(Mnemonic: |c|enter |r|adius |t|heta1 |t|heta2.)
Draws an arc with its center in |xcenter,ycenter|, a radius |radius|
starting at |theta1| degrees and ending at |theta2| degrees.
(Mnemonic: |3| points.)
Draws an arc starting at |(x1,y1)|, through |(x2,y2)| and ending in |(x3,y3)|.
xdrop, ydrop, xydrop
These commands draw dotted arrows perpendicularly to the x-axis, the
y-axis and both axes, respectively, ending on the axes with the
arrow head.
draws an arrow from |(x1,y1)| to |(x2,y2)| labeled on its tail with
draws a label at |(x,y)|. |YX| tells how it will be adjusted: for
Y=t,b,c |(x,y)| will be, in the y-direction, on top, bottom or center
of the label respectively, for X=l,r,c it will be, in the x-direction,
left, right or center adjusted on |(x,y)|. Thus
label tl 0 0 Hello World!
will draw the string "Hello World" with its lower left corner at (0,0)
draws many labels, starting at |(x,y)|, and incrementing |x| with |dx|
after every label. |YX|: see |label|. Labels may not contain spaces;
if you need spaces, use - instead.
Same as |xlabels|, but incrementing |y| with |dy| instead.
draws points (dots) at |(x1,y1)|, |(x2,y2)| et cetera.
draws points (dots) starting at |(x1,y1)| and then moving by
|(dx1,dy1)|, |(dx2,dy2)| et cetera.
draws line segments from |(x1,y1)| to |(x2,y2)|, |(x3,y3)| et cetera.
draws line segments starting at |(x1,y1)| and then moving by
|(dx1,dy1)|, |(dx2,dy2)| et cetera.
draws a bezier curve from |(x1,y1)| to |(x2,y2)|, |(x3,y3)| et cetera.
draws a bezier curve starting at |(x1,y1)| and then moving by
|(dx1,dy1)|, |(dx2,dy2)| et cetera.
draws a rectangle with diagonal points at |(x1,y1)| and |(x2,y2)|.
draws a rectangle with diagonal points at |(x,y)| and |(x+dx,y+dy)|.
clears a rectangle with diagonal points at |(x1,y1)| and |(x2,y2)|.
clears a rectangle with diagonal points at |(x,y)| and |(x+dx,y+dy)|.
draws a rectangle with a widdh |width| and a height |height|;
the middle of the bottom is at |(xc,yc)| and the centerline through
|(xc,yc)| makes an angle |theta| with the x-axis.
draws a equivalent with |rect x-xdev 0 x+xdev height|
draws the function given by |expression-in-x| between |xmin| and
|xmax|, stepping with |step| units in the x-direction.
Note that the |expression-in-x| will be evaluated by |Metafont|, so
you will have to use metafont syntax.
draw dotted grid lines at distances dx and dy in the x- and y
directions; the gaps between the dots are set to |xgap| an |ygap|
respectively. For an esthetic appearance, be sure to use integer
|dx/xgap| and |dy/ygap| ratios.
hatch the closed curve that follows.
starts a path that will eventually be closed, and then hatched.
ends a path started with |bhat|, closes it and then hatches it.
anything else
will be inserted as is in the macro file, and therefore should be a
valid |mfpic| statement. You use this when you need such a statement
only once, or a few times and therefore see no need to define a proper
command for it.
= Running mkpic/TeX
The effect of running
mkpic picfile
is the creation of |picfile.mac|, which you can |\input| into a TeX or
ConTeXt source, and |picfile.sty| which can be input into a LaTeX
source using the |\usepackage| command.
After running TeX (or LaTeX or ConTeXt), you will find a file
|| and you will have to run Metafont on it, which
(assuming you configured TeX for 600 dpi) produces picfile.600gf. This
file will have to be converted to a pk file with gftopk. Finally, you
need to run TeX, normally at least twice, again. So for pdfLaTeX the sequence is:
mkpic picfile
pdflatex file.tex
mf picfile
gftopk picfile.600gf
pdflatex file
pdflatex file
= Bug
Currently only up to 256 pictures can be generated. In the future this
problem will probably be solved by introducing more than one font and
generating tex-command names that have the font name in front.
= Changes
Changes with respect to version 0.1:
- added mkpicdoc.tex to the distribution
= Author and copyright
Author Wybo Dekker
Email U{}{}
License Released under the U{}{GNU General Public License}
use vars
qw/$xgap $ygap $dx $dy $xl $yl $x3 $y3 $height $Z $d $F $r $theta1 $theta2/;
sub evaluate {
defined or die "Missing parameter at line $.\n";
if ( !m|^[0-9.]+$| ) {
my $x = ''; # we build up the expression with $-ized variable names in $x
while ($_) {
unless (/[A-Za-z0-9]+/) { $x .= $_; last }
my ( $left, $middle, $right ) = ( $`, $&, $' );
$x .= $left
. ( ( $middle =~ m|^[0-9.]+$| || $fun{$middle} ) ? "" : '$' )
. $middle;
$_ = $right;
$_ = $x;
eval "\$_=$_" while m|[^0-9.-]|;
sub parse {
my @x;
( $command_name, @x ) =
split ( /\s+/, $_, scalar @_ + 1 ); # input values/expressions in @x
print LOG "command: $command_name\n" if $debug;
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < @_ ; $i++ ) { # each variable to be set
$_ = $x[$i]; # take the expression
if ( $_[$i] !~ /^[A-Z]/ )
{ # if name of receiving var not capitalized: await numerical
my $varname = "$_[$i]";
$$varname = $_;
print LOG "$varname=$_\n" if $debug;
sub parse_array {
my @x;
( $command_name, @x ) = split ( /\s+/, $_[0] );
print LOG "command: $command_name\n" if $debug;
unless ( $command_name =~ /mark/ ) {
for (@x) {
print LOG "parse_array returns: @x\n" if $debug;
sub open_macrofile {
my $rerun = 0;
# we need to rerun if:
# - one of the needed files is missing or else
# - the input file is newer than the .mac file or else
# - the present options differ from/keep the previous ones
# check the presence of needed files:
chomp( $_ = -f $tex ? $tex : `which mkpic` );
my $inputtime = ( stat($_) )[9];
for ( "mac", "sty" ) {
-f "$tex.$_" or $rerun = 1, last;
# if all are there, test if the input is older than the .mac file:
!$rerun && ( stat("$tex.mac") )[9] > $inputtime or $rerun = 1;
# if that's true too, check that the previous option were the same:
unless ($rerun) {
open( MAC, "$tex.mac" );
$_ = <MAC>;
$_ eq $options or $rerun = 1;
close MAC;
$rerun or return (0);
open( MAC, ">$tex.mac" );
select MAC;
$_ = <<'EOF'
% vim: syntax=tex
\input mfpic
\ifundefined{typefile}\else\appendtoks\doatend\to\everystoptext\fi % for context
\ifundefined{documentclass}\else\AtEndDocument{\doatend}\fi % for latex
\def\bye{\doatend\par\vfill\supereject\end} % plain
print MAC $options,$_;
open( STY, ">$tex.sty" ) or die "Could not open $tex.sty: $!\n";
$_ = <<'EOF'
\input TX.mac
print STY;
sub sys {
system("@_") and die "@_: $?\n";
sub parse_input {
while (<$input>) {
s/\s*#.*//; # remove comment
next unless $_; # skip empty lines
/^begin/ and do {
parse qw(Name xl yl xmin ymin xmax ymax Xlabel Ylabel);
$names{$Name} and die "multiple occurrences of picture named $Name\n";
$names{$Name} = 1;
$Xlabel = "" if $Xlabel eq '-';
$Ylabel = "" if $Ylabel eq '-';
$xscale = int( 100 * $xl / ( $xmax - $xmin ) + .5 );
$yscale = int( 100 * $yl / ( $ymax - $ymin ) + .5 );
$sx = sprintf( "%.2f", 100 / $xscale );
$sy = sprintf( "%.2f", 100 / $yscale );
$yx = $ymin > 0 ? $ymin : 0; # y-position of the x-axis
$xy = $xmin > 0 ? $xmin : 0; # x-position of the y-axis
$xlo = $xy - $sx; # x-pos of right side of y-markers
$ylo = $yx - $sy; # y-pos of top side of x-markers
$xhi = $xmax + 3 * $sx; # x-pos of left side of x-labels
$yhi = $ymax + 3 * $sy; # y-pos of bottom side of y-labels
print "%\n%====$Name====\n"
. "\\def\\Fig$Name\{\\$box\{\\mftitle{$Name}%\n"
. "\\def\\xlo{$xlo}\\def\\xhi{$xhi}%\n"
. "\\def\\ylo{$ylo}\\def\\yhi{$yhi}%\n"
. "\\def\\xy{$xy}\\def\\yx{$yx}%\n"
. "\\mfpic[$xscale][$yscale]{$xmin}{$xmax}{$ymin}{$ymax}%\n"
. "\\hatchwd{2}%\n"
. ( $Xlabel ? "\\tlabel[bc]($xy,$yhi){$font $Ylabel}%\n" : '' )
. ( $Ylabel ? "\\tlabel[cl]($xhi,$yx){$font $Xlabel}%\n" : '' );
print TEX "\\Fig$Name\\par{\\bf $Name}\\eject\n" if $pdfsample;
}, next;
/^arccst/ and do { # arc center start theta
parse qw(xc yc x1 y1 theta);
print "\\arc[c]{($xc,$yc),($x1,$y1),$theta}\n";
}, next;
/^arcset/ and do { # arc start end theta
parse qw(x1 y1 x2 y2 theta);
print "\\arc[s]{($x1,$y1),($x2,$y2),$theta}\n";
}, next;
/^arccrtt/ and do { # arc center radius theta1 theta2
parse qw(xc yc r theta1 theta2);
print "\\arc[p]{($xc,$yc),$theta1,$theta2,$r}\n";
}, next;
/^arc3/ and do { # arc three points
parse qw(x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3);
print "\\arc[t]{($x1,$y1),($x2,$y2),($x3,$y3)}\n";
}, next;
/^arrow/ and do {
parse qw(x1 y1 x2 y2 Label);
my $yd = $y1 > $y2 ? -3 : 3;
print "\\tlabel[bc]($x1,$y1){$font $Label}%\n"
. "\\arrow\\lines{($x1,"
. ( $y1 + $yd * $sy )
. "),($x2,$y2)}%\n";
}, next;
/^[xyXY]mark/ and do {
@z = parse_array($_);
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < @z ; $i++ ) {
$label = $z[$i];
if ( $label =~ /^[-.\d]+$/ ) {
$label = "\$$label\$";
} else {
$x =
$command_name =~ /x/i ? $z[$i]
: $command_name =~ /y/ ? $xlo
: -$xlo;
$y =
$command_name =~ /y/i ? $z[$i]
: $command_name =~ /x/ ? $ylo
: -$ylo;
print "\\tlabel[$pos{$command_name}]($x,$y)"
. "{\\rm \\strut $label}%\n";
}, next;
/^grid/ and do {
parse qw(xdist ydist xgap ygap);
$topmaxy = ( int( $ymax / $ydist ) * $ydist );
$lftmaxx = ( int( $xmin / $xdist ) * $xdist );
$botmaxy = ( int( $ymin / $ydist ) * $ydist );
$rtmaxx = ( int( $xmax / $xdist ) * $xdist );
for ( $t = $lftmaxx ; $t <= $rtmaxx ; $t += $xdist ) {
"\\dotted[.5pt,$xgap mm]\\lines{($t,$botmaxy),($t,$topmaxy)}%\n";
for ( $t = $botmaxy ; $t <= $topmaxy ; $t += $ydist ) {
"\\dotted[.5pt,$ygap mm]\\lines{($lftmaxx,$t),($rtmaxx,$t)}%\n";
}, next;
/^bar/ and do {
parse qw(x xdev height);
$x1 = $x - $xdev;
$x2 = $x + $xdev;
$y1 = 0;
$y2 = $height;
print "\\rect{($x1,$y1),($x2,$y2)}%\n";
}, next;
/^d?(point|lines|curve|rect|crect)/ and do {
@z = parse_array($_);
$command_name =~ /^d/ and do { # relative points
for ( $i = 3 ; $i < @z ; $i += 2 ) {
$z[$i] += $z[ $i - 2 ];
$z[ $i - 1 ] += $z[ $i - 3 ];
$command_name =~ s/^d//;
$_ = "$command_name @z";
# for example: crect 5 20 20 5
s/^/\\/; # \crect 5 20 20 5
s/\s+/{(/; # \crect{(5 20 20 5
while (/ +/) {
s/ +([-.\d]+)(\s+)?/,$1),\n(/;
} # \crect{(5,20),(20,5)
s/,\n\($/}/; # \crect{(5,20),(20,5)}
# \gclear\rect{(5,20),(20,5)}
print "$_\n";
}, next;
/^func/ and do {
parse qw(x y d F);
print "\\function{$x,$y,$d}{$F}%\n";
}, next;
/^hatch/ and do {
print '\rhatch\draw\lclosed';
}, next;
/^bhat/ and do {
print '\rhatch\lclosed\connect', "\n";
}, next;
/^ehat/ and do {
print '\endconnect', "\n";
}, next;
/^xdrop/ and do {
parse qw(x y);
print "\\dotted\\arrow" . "\\lines{($x,$y),($xy,$y)}%\n";
}, next;
/^ydrop/ and do {
parse qw(x y);
print "\\dotted\\arrow" . "\\lines{($x,$y),($x,$yx)}%\n";
}, next;
/^xydrop/ and do {
parse qw(x y);
print "\\dashed\\arrow" . "\\lines{($x,$y),($xy,$y)}%\n";
print "\\dashed\\arrow" . "\\lines{($x,$y),($x,$yx)}%\n";
}, next;
/^xlabels/ and do {
parse qw(M x y dx Z);
@z = split ( /\s+/, $Z );
for (@z) {
print "\\tlabel[$M]($x,$y){$font $_}%\n";
$x += $dx;
}, next;
/^ylabels/ and do {
parse qw(M x y dy Z);
@z = split ( /\s+/, $Z );
for (@z) {
print "\\tlabel[$M]($x,$y){$font $_}%\n";
$y += $dy;
}, next;
/^label/ and do {
parse qw(M x y Label);
$M =~ /^[bct][lcr]$/ or die "illegal label in $_\n";
print "\\tlabel[$M]($x,$y){$font $Label}%\n";
}, next;
/^end/ and do {
# axes drawn last for easier rect clears:
print "\\arrow[\\axisheadlen]\\lines" . "{($xmin,$yx),($xmax,$yx)}%\n"
if $Xlabel;
print "\\arrow[\\axisheadlen]\\lines" . "{($xy,$ymin),($xy,$ymax)}%\n"
if $Ylabel;
print "\\endmfpic}}%\n";
}, next;
/^arect/ and do {
parse qw/xc yc w h theta/;
$theta *= 3.141592 / 180;
$ws = $w / 2 * sin($theta);
$wc = $w / 2 * cos($theta);
$hs = $h * sin($theta);
$hc = $h * cos($theta);
print "\\lines{($xc-$ws,$yc+$wc),($xc-$ws+$hc,$yc+$wc+$hs),($xc+$ws+$hc,$yc-$wc+$hs),($xc+$ws,$yc-$wc),($xc-$ws,$yc+$wc)}\n";
}, next;
/^(\w+)\s*=/ and do {
$var = $1;
print LOG "$var=$$var\n" if $debug;
}, next;
/^stop/ and do { last }; # stop reading the input
print "$_\n" if $_; # anything else printed literally
print MAC "\\endinput\n";
if ($pdfsample) {
print TEX "\\bye\n";
sys("pdftex --interaction batchmode $tex 2>/dev/null");
sys("mf $tex; gftopk $tex.${dpi}gf");
sys("pdftex --interaction batchmode $tex 2>/dev/null");
for ( ( "log", "mf", "tfm", "${dpi}pk", "${dpi}gf", ) ) {
unlink "$tex.$_";
sub help { undef $/; open(FH,$0); print "Usage:".[split(/= .*\n/,<FH>)]->[3]; exit 1 }
sub install { system('instscript --extras=mkpicdoc.tex,mkpicdoc.pdf -zp mkpic'); exit 0; }
use Getopt::Long;
'c|clean' => \$clean, # remove all but input file and don't run
'p|pdfsample' => \$pdfsample, # create pdf file with sample images
'b|box!' => \$box, # produce framed boxes
'f|font=s' => \$font, # default font instead of rm
'V|version' => \$version, # report version number and die
'h|help' => \&help, # display help info and die
'd|debug!' => \$debug, # print debug information
'l|log=s' => \$log, # file for warning messages
'I' => \&install # not for general use
if ($version) { print Version."\n"; exit; };
$font = $font || '\rm';
$box ||= '';
$pdfsample ||= 0;
if ($log) {
open( LOG, ">>$log" ) or die "Could not open $log for output: $!\n";
} else {
# find printer density
if ( open( IN, `kpsewhich --format="web2c files" mktex.cnf` ) ) {
while (<IN>) {
/BDPI=(\d+)/ and $dpi = $1, last;
} else {
print LOG "could not find mktex.cnf; forcing 600dpi\n";
$dpi = 600;
# we'll place the options in the .mac file so that, in the next run,
# we can see if the previous run had the same options; if so and if
# the input file is older than the .mac file, we won't rerun mkpic:
$options = "% font:$font box:$box dpi=$dpi pdfsample:$pdfsample\n";
$tex = shift;
if ($tex) {
open( IN, $tex ) or die "Could not open $tex\n";
$input = *IN;
} else {
$input = *DATA;
$tex = 'mkpic';
$clean and do {
for ( eval "qw(mf ${dpi}gf ${dpi}pk log dvi pdf mac tex tfm sty)" ) {
unlink "$tex.$_";
exit 0;
open_macrofile() or die "mkpic: no new run needed\n";
print LOG "Mkpic Warning: Rerun (La)TeX\n" if $log;
$box = $box ? 'ruledhbox' : 'hbox';
if ($pdfsample) {
open( TEX, ">$tex.tex" );
($_ = <<EOF ) =~ s/^\s+//gm;
\\input $tex.mac
print TEX;
%pos = (
'xmark' => 'tc', # positions for [xyXY]marks
'ymark' => 'cr',
'Xmark' => 'bc',
'Ymark' => 'cl'
%fun = (
sin => 1,
cos => 1,
sqrt => 1,
atan2 => 1,
abs => 1,
exp => 1,
int => 1,
log => 1,
not => 1
%names = ();
begin steps l l 0 0 l l - -
dlines 10 10 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
begin rectangle 64 64 0 0 10 10 $x$ $y$
arect 5 5 3 2 60
lines 0 0 10 10 0 10 10 0
begin parabola 64 64 0 -6 4 5 $x$ $y$
xmark 2
Xmark 3
ymark -5 0 4
lines 0 0 0 4
func 0 3 .05 4-x*x
lines 3 -5 3 0
func 0 3.2 .05 4-x*x
xydrop 3 -5
arrow 3 4 1.7 1.1 $f(x)=4-x^2$
arrow 2 5 1 2 Area $O_1$
arrow 4 2 2.8 -2 Area $O_2$
begin droparrows 64 64 0 3 12 8 $x$ $y$
xmark $a$ 2 $x_1$ 4 $x_2$ 8 $b$ 10
ydrop 2 4.414
ydrop 4 5
ydrop 8 5.828
ydrop 10 6.162
label cc 4 4 $f(x_1)$
label cc 8 4 $f(x_2)$
label cc 7 8 $f(x)$ increasing on $[a,b]$
label cc 7 7.5 $x_1<x_2\Rightarrow f(x_1)<F(x_2)$
func 1 11 .1 x**(.5)+3
begin asymptotes 64 64 0 0 10 10 $x$ $y$
curve 1 1 2 3 4 5.7 7 8.1 9 9
point 2 3 4 5.7 7 8.1
func 1.4 2.6 .1 1.65*x-.3
func 3.2 4.8 .1 1.025*x+1.6
func 6.1 7.9 .1 .62*x+3.76
label cl 9.5 9 $f(x)$
label tl 5 5 $f^\prime(x)>0$
label tl 5 4 $f^\prime(x)$ decreasing
# the previous diagram was made when expression were not yet available
# with them, it's easier to use a defined curve and its calculated slopes
# and positions:
begin droppers 64 64 0 0 10 10 $x$ $y$
func 0 10 .1 3*(sqrt(x))
point 2 3*sqrt(2) 4 3*sqrt(4) 7 3*sqrt(7)
func 1.5 2.5 .1 3/2*(x/sqrt(2)+sqrt(2))
func 3.5 4.5 .1 3/2*(x/sqrt(4)+sqrt(4))
func 6.5 7.5 .1 3/2*(x/sqrt(7)+sqrt(7))
label cl 9.5 9 $f(x)$
label tl 5 5 $f^\prime(x)>0$
label tl 5 4 $f^\prime(x)$ decreasing
begin inflections 64 64 -.85 -1.5 1.5 5 $x$ $y$
func -.6 1.5 .05 6*(x**4)-8*(x**3)+1
lines -.2 1 .2 1
label cr -.25 1 horizontal
arrow .5 2 0 1 inflection point
arrow .8 1 .65 0 inflection point
arrow 1 5 1.5 4.375 $f(x)=6x^4-8x^3+1$
Xmark 1
ymark \raise-8pt\hbox{0} 0 -1
xydrop 1 -1
begin paraboloid 64 64 -4 -4 4 4 - -
lines -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4 # neg z and neg y
lines 0 0 3 1.73 # neg x
lines 0 0 0 4 # pos z
lines 0 0 4 0 # pos y
lines 0 0 -3 -1.73 # pos x
lines -1 4 -1 0 -4 -1.73 # intersections y=-1 plane
lines -1 -.577 -4 -.577 # intersection x=2 plane with xy-plane
% extra helplines
lines -2 .423 -2 -.577 0 0 0 1 -2 .423
Ymark 3
% end of extras
lines 0 3 -1 3 -4 1.27
curve -3 2.42 -1.5 2.711 -1 2.42 -2.5 2.134
label bc 0 yhi $z$
label cl xhi 0 $y$
label tr -3.1 -1.8 $x$
label cl -.85 -.577 2
label tc 0 5.5 $f(x,y)=x^2-4x+2y^2+4y+7$
xmark -1
Ymark 1
func 0 .5 .1 9*x*x
func -.5 0 .1 7*x*x
func -1 0 .1 2*x*x
func 0 1 .1 2*x*x